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Ingham County Prosecutor Carol Siemon Endorses Emily Dievendorf for State Representative


Emily Dievendorf today announced the latest endorsement for her campaign for State Representative in Michigan’s 77th House District as Ingham County Prosecutor Carol Siemon has joined the growing list of officials backing Emily’s campaign.

"I’m grateful for so many leaders from throughout the district believing in my campaign and the ideals I plan to fight for in the legislature. Carol has been a tremendous ally for those fighting to ensure fairness and equity in our justice system and I’m thankful for her support in this race."

In her endorsement, Prosecutor Siemon cited Emily’s advocacy for criminal justice reforms throughout her career.

"Emily is passionate about creating a criminal justice system that is fair to everyone in our community by helping identify and address bias, develop stronger protections for our most vulnerable neighbors, and better protect survivors of sexual and domestic violence. She is committed to finding holistic solutions that get to the root of our issues and better utilize our community’s strong networks. I'm proud to endorse Emily Dievendorf for State Representative and l look forward to her continuing her work on these issues in the legislature."

Prosecutor Siemon joins a growing list of Ingham County officials backing Emily, including Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum and Ingham County Commisisioners Penelope Tsernoglou & Mark Polsdofer.

Emily is running for State Representative in Michigan's new 77th House District, which makes up parts of Ingham, Eaton and Clinton Counties.

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